Handling TCHAR and TSTR. Unicode/ANSI function name suffixes

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When at least one of parameter types or return type of a declared DLL function is based on TCHAR type, then PBInvoke automatically appends a suffix "A" or "W" to the function's name and treats TCHAR as char or wchar_t depending on PowerBuilder version.

In Unicode versions (PB10 and above), the "W" suffix is appended and TCHAR=wchar_t,

In ANSI version (PB9 and below) , the "A" suffix is appended and TCHAR=char.

If the function with the suffix does not exist in the DLL, then PBInvoke tries to find the function without the prefix.


lnv_CreateDirectory = lnv_kernel32.of_declare_method(&
   "BOOL CreateDirectory(LPCTSTR lpPathName, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes);")
// The exact meaning of the declaration above depends on PB version:
// in PB9:  BOOL CreateDirectoryA(const char *lpPathName, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes)
// in PB10: BOOL CreateDirectoryW(const wchar_t *lpPathName, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes)

See also

  • Handling strings (char*, wchar_t*)
  • WinAPI constants and types
  • Working with callbacks
  • PBInvoke
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    See Also
    Handling strings (char*, wchar_t*)
    WinAPI constants and types
    Working with callbacks

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