Working with C/C++ structures/unions

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PBInvoke supports full access to C++ structs/unions from PowerBuilder.

Because there is no equivalents for unions and field types such as pointers to structures and function pointers in PowerBuilder, PBInvoke have a special object for storing such values: n_pi_value.

Working with nested structures and unions.

Suppose you have the following structure declaration:

n_pi_core lnv_core
lnv_core.of_declare("struct MYSTR { union { int ival; char* sval;} u; char ch;}")
This is a structure MYSTR which has a field of type char, 'ch', and a field of type union 'u', which itself has two fields 'ival' and 'sval', which share the same memory.

Some examples of working with the structure:

n_pi_core lnv_core
n_pi_value lnv_str

// Create an instance of the structure in memory
// In C++: MYSTR str;
lnv_str = lnv_core.of_create_value_of("MYSTR"); 

// Fill the structure's memory with zero bytes.
// Note, however, that of_create_value_of() does it anyway.
// C++: memset(&str, sizeof(MYSTR), 0);

// Assign to sval field of the union
// C++: str.u.sval = "test";
lnv_str.of_item("u").of_set("sval", "test")
A few words regarding what does n_pi_value.of_item do. When you call of_item("fieldname"), a n_pi_value is returned which is a reference to the field. No data is copied. When you modify this reference, the original structure is modified.

of_item() is used most often for accessing nested structures. If you have a field of a simple type (string, numeric) you use of_get("field")/of_set("field", value) instead of of_item("field").

Also note, that field name in of_item(), of_get(), of_set() is case sensitive.

// Read the value of ival which now holds the pointer to the string "test" because ival and sval share their memory.
// C++: int i = str.u.ival;
ll_i = lnv_str.of_item("u").of_get("ival")

// Assign to ch field of the structure
// C++: = 'A';
lnv_str.of_set("ch", "A")
lnv_str.of_set(2, "A") // Fields can also be accessed by a 1-based index in order of their declarations.

// Pass the structure as a parameter to a function:
// C++: void fn1(MYSTR s) { }  
//      fn1(str) 
n_pi_method lnv_fn1
lnv_fn1 = lnv_somedll.of_declare_method("void fn1(MYSTR s)")
lnv_fn1.of_invoke(lnv_str) // lnv_str's value is copied.

// Pass the structure as a pointer parameter to a function:
// C++: void fn2(MYSTR *s) { s->u.sval = "fn2"; };  
//      fn2(&str) 
lnv_fn2 = lnv_somedll.of_declare_method("void fn2(MYSTR *s)")
lnv_fn2.of_invoke(lnv_str) // implicitly gets the address of the structure
lnv_fn2.of_invoke(lnv_str.of_get_addr()) // which is the same, but explicit.

// If the structure is modified in fn2 we'll see those changes
String ls_mod
ls_mod = lnv_str.of_item("u").of_get("sval") // returns "fn2"

Working with pointers to structures as fields.

Pointers to a type require dereferencing in order to allow access to the value they point to.
lnv_core.of_declare("struct N { int a;}")  // declare a struct
lnv_core.of_declare("struct S { N* n;}")   // declare a struct with nested pointer to a struct
// create an instance
// C++: S str;
lnv_str = lnv_core.of_create_value_of("S")

// init the pointer n with the address of an instance of N
// C++: s.n = new N();
lnv_str.of_set("n", lnv_core.of_create_value_of("N"))

// access the nested field, a
// C++:  str.n->a = 123;
lnv_str.of_item("n").of_deref().of_set("a", 123)

// get the nested structure as separate reference
// C++: N &n = *str.n;
lnv_n = lnv_str.of_item("n").of_deref() // note this is just a reference, not a copy.

//Now lnv_n.of_get("a") is the same as lnv_str.of_item("n").of_deref().of_get("a")

See also

  • Handling strings (char*, wchar_t*)
  • Handling TCHAR and TSTR. Unicode/ANSI function name suffixes
  • Working with callbacks
  • PBInvoke
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    See Also
    Handling strings (char*, wchar_t*)
    Handling TCHAR and TSTR. Unicode/ANSI function name suffixes
    Working with callbacks

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